All of us have a story to tell, if it's a biography about your experiences or about a specific subject or even about fictional stories. You may not be a Dan Brown or J.K.Rowling but you probably have an interesting story to tell. The secret is that you just have to look at yourself an imagine that you are allready there. Imagine you wrote a book and it is allready a beststeller! What would be the title of your book, Who would be your reader?
I'm going to give you a few tips to write a succesfull book, which will provide you a stream of income for a long time!
First things first: How much can you earn on a book?
There are different ways to earn money on a book you wrote:
- A book can be sold online as a virtual paper on the internet: costs are low which is a very lucrative way of selling your book (no papercosts).
- A book can be linked to a editor which will provide you the whole marketingplan and the coordination of the booksales. They will do everything to sell your book because they invested in the production of your book. This is a very interesting way to sell your book which, depending on the contract you've signed will provide you surelly some good earnings. Allthou it is quiet difficult to be accepted by an editor because of the overflow of pseudo-writers.
- A book can become a moviescript for example ! HERE IT BECOMES A MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME: movierights, authorrights, merchandising, etc: this is the example of
J.K. Rowling:

“The idea that we could have a child who escapes from the confines of the adult world and goes somewhere where he has power, both literally and metaphorically, really appealed to me.”
Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling's life has the luster of a fairy tale. Divorced, living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter, Rowling wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at a table in a cafe during her daughter's naps — and it was Harry Potter that rescued her. First, the Scottish Arts Council gave her a grant to finish the book. After its sale to Bloomsbury (UK) and Scholastic Books, the accolades began to pile up. Harry Potter won The British Book Awards Children's Book of the Year, and the Smarties Prize, and rave reviews on both sides of the Atlantic. In America, there are over 103 million books in print, and each title has been #1 on The New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. The sixth title, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, set a new world record for a first printing, with 10.8 million copies hitting stores on July 16, 2005.
A graduate of Exeter University, a teacher, and then an unemployed single parent, Rowling wrote Harry Potter when “I was very low, and I had to achieve something. Without the challenge, I would have gone stark raving mad.” But Rowling has always written; her first book was called “Rabbit.” “I was about six, and I haven't stopped scribbling since.”
For Rowling, the change in her fortunes has been slightly bewildering. But her daughter has no doubt about her mother's new career: when asked what mommies do, she replies without hesitation, “Mommies write!”
Other books from the Harry Potter series include: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. And for those who can't get enough Harry Potter, Rowling has also created two books straight from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry library. These books are designed to look like Harry Potter's actual, used textbooks: Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages.
Harry Potter on Scholastic.comJ. K. Rowling's official Web site
Not convinced yet? well The other example is the guy who wrote a book about a boat disaster in the middle of the ocean which provided the necessary inspiration for James Cameron to realise the titanic movie. This guy is millionaire and lives in a beautyfull villa somewhere in Beverly Hills!!!!
Lets say that writing a book takes time and a lot of inspiration but the most important part is at the end you get a bonus and what a bonus !! Dan Brown earned from the Da Vinci code: $ 88 millions and sold more than 60 million copies of his book. J.K. Rowling earned with her rights more than £ 1 billion on her books, Movies and merchandising !
A lot of money shall we say!
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