You tube was born as a joke between three brilliant younsters in the backyard of paypall (another success story).
Previously I had explained that one idea is enough do make millions! Well one original idea can make billions ! You tube was just a funny stuff site were you can put your own home video's or funny tv scenes. People didn't realize the impact of this powerfull tool in the internet. Well youtube is nowadays the 2th most hitted internetsite !! right behind google offcourse. Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim were collegues from Paypall. They started the development of the domain in their garage (sounds familliar no? Bill Gates) The domain name was online on 15 th february 2005.
What happens next is pure a success story:
On October 9, 2006, it was announced that the company would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion in stock. The purchase agreement between Google and YouTube came after YouTube presented three agreements with media companies in an attempt to escape the threat of copyright-infringement lawsuits. Recently an Ophrah Winfrey show was dedicated to Youtube due to its massive media power.
When you have a great Idea and you want to spread your Idea throughout the world, the internet is a very powerfull tool. It is an open market were not millions but billions of people gather and share togheter information. Google, paypall, amazon.com and youtube founders became billionaires faster than any other billionaires on other activities !!!
I tell think about a great Idea !! something that does not exist on the internet or simply make your own version of youtube for your home country like this belgian entrepreneur that created a Dutch youtube version called garagetv.be !!! why not ?
If you think deeply you will find something and properly will be as lucky as those guys !

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